Oftentimes Asked Questions

Practice I have to purchase the fonts?

If you lot want to support the font author, you tin can buy the font used in the logo, simply all of the fonts used in this project have costless versions available. However pay attention to the font licenses, some font authors wish to be credited if you use their font in your logo.

Where to find the fonts used?

When you download and unzip any of these logo files, you will discover a "readme.txt" file with links to the fonts used in that specific logo.

Photography logo license

All of these logo templates come with a CC BY-NC-ND four.0 license. In human being language, this means that you can use any of these logos for your personal brand. You can apply it on your website, on your images, on print materials, similar business cards, stationeries and like. You cannot sell the logo templates as they are or modified to someone else for profit because that would commercial use. You as well are not allowed to redistribute our logo templates without our permission.

What do I need to edit these logo files?

Read our step-by-stride tutorial on how to edit and consign our logos here. To edit whatsoever of these logo templates, you will demand Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop Elements will not work in this case. If you do not accept Adobe Photoshop, go to their website and download a complimentary trial. No demand to buy the program if you are not planning to utilise it in the future.

Crediting logo authors

If you actually similar our logos and plan to use them, we would appreciate you mentioning us on your website somewhere and linking back to colormelon.com, but merely if y'all experience similar it – no pressure!

Crediting font authors

If the font from any logo comes with a license that requests you lot credit the writer you should definitely practice then on your website. If you are non sure how to do that, we suggest adding a small "Credits" paragraph on your About page and give a shout out to the authors whose work you used.

Can you lot make a custom logo for me?

Yes, I can!

Feel free to send me a message to [email protected]  and tell me a bit nearly yourself and your business. I offer custom logo design services starting from 400€ and that includes upward to four design concepts according to your desires, multiple revisions to make information technology just right, and logo file training for print and spider web. Plus I will exist there for you lot if you have any questions or concerns regarding your new brand identity.

Tin you alter one of these logos for me?

Sure! I tin can tweak whatever of these 100 logo templates to amend conform your brand. That includes logo name change, font change, color change, and file training for web and print.

The price depends on your needs and wants but information technology starts from around  20 – 200€. If yous're ok with that and would like to talk more than about what I can do for yous, transport me a message to [email protected]