How to Turn Line Art on a White Background Clear in Photoshop
Hand-drawn photographic camera logo
Paw-drawn retro photographic camera logo with simple, warped text.
Paw-drawn, Playful, Circular
Unusual, boxed camera
Creative photography logo with text that is contained inside the camera graphic.
Boxed, Line Art, Masculine
Modern, clean camera logo
Modern photography logo with a minimalistic camera graphic.
geometric, Modern, Elementary
Clean & Minimalistic logo
Very simple & minimalistic type based logo with a modest emphasis chemical element.
Unproblematic, Type
Hand-fatigued sun rays & type
Logo with emphasis on typography. Sun-like calorie-free rays added to emphasize the text.
Manus-drawn, Type
Artistic eye logo
Artistic photography logo with aperture blades inside an heart graphic.
Fun, Modern
Playful photography logo
Right-aligned photography logo with a small, shiny photographic camera silhouette.
Fun, Masculine, Playful
Minimalist photography logo
Minimalist photography logo with a large, elementary photographic camera graphic.
Line Fine art, Circular, Simple
Quirky camera logo
Photography logo with a quirky camera graphic and simple typography.
Feminine, Line Art, Playful
Creative, indigestible camera logo
Photography logo with a creative, boxy camera and clean typography.
Boxed, geometric, Modern
Hand-fatigued retro camera logo
Handrawn photographic camera based on classic Leica design and decorative typography.
Feminine, Mitt-drawn
Camera over the horizon
Playful photography logo with a large, half subconscious camera.
Fun, Line Art, Playful
Uncomplicated retro camera
Photography logo with a funny, little retro camera graphic.
Fun, geometric, Simple
Logo with a camera on its side
Photographer logo with a camera on its side and place for tho names.
Playful, Uncomplicated
Clean DSLR camera logo
A elementary DSLR photographic camera graphic with warped text around information technology.
Line Art, Round, Simple
Text and a tiny camera
Simple name based logo with a small photographic camera graphic in the heart.
Unproblematic, Blazon
Decorative text logo
Name based logo with beautiful, decorative typography and a small emphasis camera.
Feminine, Modernistic, Type
Wax seal camera logo
Logo with a camera fabricated from wax or rock and decorative typography.
Classy, Fun, Modern
Half photographic camera logo
Minimalistic photography logo with a large one-half camera.
Line Art, Modern, Uncomplicated
Cute, little camera
Photography logo with a funny, quirky camera graphic.
Fun, Playful
Modern aperture logo
Modern, boxed logo with a elementary aperture graphic in the middle.
Boxed, Masculine, Modern
Delicate, vertically boxed logo
Sophisticated photography logo made from sparse lines.
Boxed, Classy, Line Art
Elegant, boxed logo
An elegant boxed logo for photographers with a simple, rounded camera icon.
Boxed, Playful
Camera badge with name area
Unproblematic, clean camera badge with a horizontal, boxed area for text.
Boxed, Round, Simple
Minimalistic, boxed logo
A very elegant, unproblematic logo with a small photographic camera icon at the top.
Boxed, Swish, Simple
Mod, badge-like logo
Modern, creative photography logo with large camera and text.
Boxed, Feminine, Modern
Elegant photography logo
Elegant logo with frail, cursive typography and minimalistic photographic camera graphic.
Swish, Line Fine art
Round, playful logo
Fun, feminine badge logo with multiple text areas and a small camera graphic.
Feminine, Playful, Round
Camera in watercolors
Simple photography logo with bright watercolor issue.
Feminine, Playful
Simple line-art logo
Beautiful line art logo with camera and text that connects each other.
Line Art, Simple
Nuptials ring & aperture
Elegant wedding photography logo with a gilded ring and aperture graphic.
Classy, Modern
Ornate wedding logo
Ornate, detailed logo template for hymeneals photographers.
Feminine, Hand-drawn
Wedding ceremony logo with a ring
Modern and creative nuptials photography logo with discontinuity inside a ring.
Classy, Mod
Camera + heart logo
Simple, paw-drawn camera logo that has a middle shape inside information technology.
Feminine, Hand-fatigued, Simple
Wedding photography logo
Cute camera with a centre inside the lens. Designed for wedding photographers.
Modern, Playful
Modern proper noun brand logo
Modern, typography based logo with an opaque background.
Boxed, Modern, Blazon
Elementary proper name brand logo
Delicate typography logo with handwritten & serif type.
Logo with decorative initials
Classic photography logo with decorative initials and text.
Classy, Type
Luxurious name make logo
Beautiful logo for photographers with decorative typography.
Swish, Modern, Type
Playful logo with dot wreath
Simple, round logo with handwritten typography and dot wreath.
Playful, Circular, Type
Minimalist camera
A very minimalistic logo with a graphic representing a camera lens and flash.
Swish, Elementary
Elegant logo with an initial
Simple and elegant logo with initial inside a styled lens.
Flashy camera logo
A playful photography logo with a minor, rounded photographic camera that has its flash on.
Fun, Playful
Retro way logo
A clean, sharp logo design that fuses retro style with modernism.
geometric, Elementary
Line fine art photography logo
A simple withal elegant line art logo for photographers.
Feminine, Line Fine art, Unproblematic
Moon & stars
Creative logo with a camera that has the moon & stars in its lens.
Fun, Playful
Wink logo
A very minimalist logo with a elementary camera flash icon and sans-serif typography.
Round, minimalistic logo
A simple, round logo with a boxy, styled camera graphic in the middle.
geometric, Circular, Uncomplicated
Mod photographic camera logo
A very modern and clean logo design with a graphic that suggests a camera.
Modernistic photographic camera logo
A classy, minimal photography logo with a simple camera graphic.
geometric, Modern, Unproblematic
Simple aperture logo
The simplest logo from this collection features a classic discontinuity graphic and text.
Golden dots camera logo
Logo with a camera graphic comprised of multiple small dots and script typography.
Paw-fatigued, Modern
Styled aperture logo
Creative hexagon discontinuity logo for photographers.
Classy, Masculine
Partially visible camera logo
Modern logo with text and half camera graphic on the left side.
Modern, Simple
Logo with a camera in the middle
Logo with a unproblematic camera graphic in between the text.
Playful, Simple
Two cameras stuck together
Logo with two identical cameras stuck together creating a classic wedding ring symbol.
Fun, Playful
Ampersand logo
Creative ampersand logo designed to adjust brands that have two people working together.
Fun, Playful
Classic photography badge
Photography badge that tin exist used equally a logo & watermark.
Locked together
An elegant logo with a square and circumvolve shapes locked together.
Swish, Simple
Camera logo with initials
A large camera graphic with room for two initials inside the lens.
Manus-fatigued, Playful
Artistic discontinuity logo
Fun photography logo with an aperture graphic that looks similar a moving ridge.
Proper name based logo with discontinuity
Logo designed to work for photographers with the letter "o" in their name.
Masculine, Modern, Type
Logo for two
Circular logo designed for two photographers who work together.
Manus-drawn, Round
A band and camera
Nuptials photography logo with a photographic camera that looks like a wedding ring.
Classy, Simple
Name and heart logo
A elementary logo with a hand drawn middle shape in the heart.
Feminine, Unproblematic
Modern box camera logo
A very modern and minimalist logo with a shape that reminds of a photographic camera.
geometric, Modern, Elementary
Bluecoat style logo
A large photography badge that can be used equally a detailed logo.
Modernistic, Round
Simple camera with a heart
Simple photography logo with a camera and hear shape inside it.
Feminine, Elementary
Rounded camera logo
Instagram-inspired rounded photographic camera logo with text in iii rows.
Hand-drawn line fine art logo
Elegant and simple line art camera drawn with a single stroke.
Feminine, Line Art, Unproblematic
Iii passions logo
Creative travel photography logo depicting sun, tree and a camera.
Fun, Masculine
Globe traveler logo
A big camera displaying continents in its lens. Designed for travel photographers.
Fun, Hand-drawn, Playful
Colorful branches logo
A bohemian logo pattern showing iii multicolored tree branches.
Paw-drawn, Playful
Compass logo
Detailed compass logo drawn by hand and designed for travel photographers.
Hand-drawn, Playful
Line art forest logo
A simple travel photography logo depicting a forest in its graphic.
Line Art, Modern, Simple
Elegant swirls logo
An elegant, organic logo designed for wedding photographers.
Swish, Feminine
Wedding rings logo
Nuptials photography logo with interlinked wedding rings symbolizing eternity.
Swish, Masculine, Modern
Love bird logo
A quirky, little honey bird logo holding a heart in its beak.
Feminine, Fun, Playful
Elegant initial logo
A classy photography logo with an initial in a wreath and clean typography.
Bowtie logo
A clean and elementary logo pattern with a bowtie, that would work for wedding photographers.
Swish, Simple
Golden Ratio logo
A very modernistic still elegant photography logo displaying the Golden Ratio.
Swish, geometric, Modern
Hexagon aperture logo
A fashionable photography logo with a hexagon shaped similar camera aperture.
geometric, Modern
Modern signature logo
A mod signature logo combining two different typefaces.
Modern, Elementary, Type
Simple camera logo
A clean and elementary photography logo displaying a rounded, minimalistic camera.
Line Art, Simple
Line fine art aperture logo
An elegant line art aperture logo combined with beautiful typography.
Feminine, Line Art
Horizontally boxed camera
A very classic boxed photography logo with a camera icon and text.
Boxed, Masculine
Classic aperture logo
A archetype and clean aperture logo with a place for the photographers name.
Modern, Uncomplicated
Decorative initials logo
A fun, decorative typographic logo with beautiful initial decoration.
Fun, Hand-drawn, Blazon
Fashion photography logo
Modern fashion photography logo with a geometric, creative camera graphic.
geometric, Modern
Golden wreath logo
A fun and simple golden wreath photography logo that will piece of work great every bit a watermark.
Feminine, Fun, Round
Simple signature logo
A clean and unproblematic signature photography logo.
Uncomplicated, Blazon
Retro badge logo
Retro inspired badge logo that can exist used with or without background color.
Feminine, Round
Framed logo
Modern yet uncomplicated framed or focused photography logo.
Boxed, Modern
Imperial photographic camera logo
Elegant camera logo with a crown on pinnacle and simple, readable typography.
Masculine, Modern
Organic initial logo
Beautiful floral logo with a beginning-name initial within a leaf wreath.
Fun, Playful, Circular
Golden leaf logo
A feminine logo design with a golden leafy branch graphic.
Feminine, Manus-drawn
Crossed arrows logo
Hand-drawn crossed arrow logo with manus-lettered typography.
Hand-fatigued, Type
Floral aperture logo
Elegant and classy logo with aperture graphic that looks similar a flower.
Minimalistic camera logo
Clean and minimalistic photography logo with a simple photographic camera graphic.
geometric, Masculine, Simple
Classic boxed logo
Uncomplicated and clean boxed logo with beautiful typography.
Boxed, Modern, Elementary, Blazon
Oftentimes Asked Questions
Practice I have to purchase the fonts?
If you lot want to support the font author, you tin can buy the font used in the logo, simply all of the fonts used in this project have costless versions available. However pay attention to the font licenses, some font authors wish to be credited if you use their font in your logo.
Where to find the fonts used?
When you download and unzip any of these logo files, you will discover a "readme.txt" file with links to the fonts used in that specific logo.
Photography logo license
All of these logo templates come with a CC BY-NC-ND four.0 license. In human being language, this means that you can use any of these logos for your personal brand. You can apply it on your website, on your images, on print materials, similar business cards, stationeries and like. You cannot sell the logo templates as they are or modified to someone else for profit because that would commercial use. You as well are not allowed to redistribute our logo templates without our permission.
What do I need to edit these logo files?
Read our step-by-stride tutorial on how to edit and consign our logos here. To edit whatsoever of these logo templates, you will demand Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop Elements will not work in this case. If you do not accept Adobe Photoshop, go to their website and download a complimentary trial. No demand to buy the program if you are not planning to utilise it in the future.
Crediting logo authors
If you actually similar our logos and plan to use them, we would appreciate you mentioning us on your website somewhere and linking back to, but merely if y'all experience similar it – no pressure!
Crediting font authors
If the font from any logo comes with a license that requests you lot credit the writer you should definitely practice then on your website. If you are non sure how to do that, we suggest adding a small "Credits" paragraph on your About page and give a shout out to the authors whose work you used.
Can you lot make a custom logo for me?
Yes, I can!
Feel free to send me a message to [email protected] and tell me a bit nearly yourself and your business. I offer custom logo design services starting from 400€ and that includes upward to four design concepts according to your desires, multiple revisions to make information technology just right, and logo file training for print and spider web. Plus I will exist there for you lot if you have any questions or concerns regarding your new brand identity.
Tin you alter one of these logos for me?
Sure! I tin can tweak whatever of these 100 logo templates to amend conform your brand. That includes logo name change, font change, color change, and file training for web and print.
The price depends on your needs and wants but information technology starts from around 20 – 200€. If yous're ok with that and would like to talk more than about what I can do for yous, transport me a message to [email protected]
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