Can I Add Wireless Sensors to Adt System Myself

Old 05-08-12, 06:27 PM

Join Date: Mar 2010

Location: usa

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A word of advice/warning most arming the arrangement with a keyfob. Those fobs don't have whatever acknowledgement beeps and then if you close your garage door then, arm the system, you really can't be certain that it armed. Y'all might want to go a ii-way remote that will give yous feedback [or possibly put an 'arm LED' somewhere where you tin can see it].

P.Due south. I would recommend moving to a better organization such equally a Vista 20 if it is in the upkeep -- You tin can reuse your sensors with the V20. The all-in-one panels have a major flaw in that during entry filibuster someone could nail the panel and it volition never send anything and never brand any noise, whereas, with a separated system they would need to expect for information technology to dismantle it and yous tin can add an exterior siren. That being said, most intruders simply boom and grab so take this advice with your situation in heed. The bigger panels also offering so much more in versatility. This might entail that you become the 'keeper of your own organization' though [if you have the time and inclination].

In that location is no shortage of help if that is the route you cull -- people are willing to help if y'all are sincere.

Last edited by tpring; 05-08-12 at 09:01 PM.


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