Solid Wood Furniture from Ign.Design

Wood article of furniture will never exist out of style.In my opinion solid wood is i of the best materials that can exist used in furniture manufacturing. Ign.Pattern is a company that specialized in solid wood furniture and comes with some Elegant Dining Tables and Beds.The Dream bed by Andy Ehrensperger features a low-contour, freestanding frame of solid wood that looks equally corking pushed against a wall equally it does front and heart in your room.

Ing design bed dream 4 View in gallery

The wood tables past artists like Christiane von Savigny and Michael Stratmann feature a mix between mod and traditional. It'due south not most taking some crude pieces of wood and placing them together so every bit to be used as furniture.

Ing design bed dream 2

The thing about this furniture is the style in which these crude boards are polished and lacquered so as to confer resistance and glamour, just at the same fourth dimension to preserve their natural expect and also the way in which this wood is combined with different other elements for the all-time results.

Elegant dining tables ign 4

Take a look at those round pieces of forest used as bed side tabular array: they are plainly randomly placed at that place, only they are actually carefully manufactured and finished in club to obtain the intended outcome of studied natural ambience.


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