Exploring Reykjavik, Iceland

Iceland had been on my bucket list ever since I heard most their stopover program 12 years agone. It's uncomplicated. If you book a flight on Icelandair, you can stay in Republic of iceland for up to 7 days on your fashion to Europe, without paying any actress fees. The flight to Reykjavik is just five ½ hours from Chicago, and most European cities are just 2 ½ – iii hours from Reykjavik when you keep your journey.


We spent four days in Iceland on our fashion to London to visit our families. Lucky for us, our friend Libb (she was besides in Munich with united states) happened to volume a trip to Iceland with her friend Mick for the same verbal days. Together we explored the Golden Circumvolve, partied the nights away at Reykjavik'south bars, tried fermented shark (to say it is gross is an understatement), and watched the sun dip into the sea only not set up. Today I am going to boot off my serial of posts about Republic of iceland past telling you lot about Reykjavik.


Reyjkavik is the northernmost capital in the world. The locals assured u.s. that it doesn't get that cold in the winters, and I tin can tell you that is doesn't get warm in the summer either. In the summer be prepared for temperatures between 45-65. You'll want to pack lots of layers – about days I wore a light sweater and a thick rain jacket/windbreaker. The other thing to be prepared for? The lord's day will not set – the photo above shows the farthest point the sun would set when were in boondocks. It'southward incredible, but it volition mess with your internal clock.


The first thing we did upon arrival in Iceland was to visit Blue Lagoon. The famous hot spring is located betwixt the airdrome and the city, and at that place are buses that will take you from the airport to Blue Lagoon.

Blue Lagoon

Once you go to Blue Lagoon, there is a identify to check your bags. Plan alee by doing two things: 1. Pack your bathing arrange and an outfit to change into in an like shooting fish in a barrel to access identify, and 2. Make reservations for Blue Lagoon. Fly Motorbus is the double-decker service that gets you from the airport to Blue Lagoon and from Blue Lagoon to Reykjavik, you might want to purchase tickets ahead of time (you can buy them on the flight). And consider making a lunch reservation at Lava, Blue Lagoon's restaurant.

Kit in Iceland

At Blue Lagoon you get to lounge around in super warm water (it's the perfect bath water temperature), and use Blue Lagoon'south amazing confront masks. And just when you think life couldn't be any ameliorate – there is a bar, so you tin can sip Prosecco while treating yourself to a face mask and a soak. The feel was the perfect welcome to Iceland.


In improver to making Blue Lagoon hot jump reservations, nosotros made lunch reservations at their restaurant, Lava, which was excellent. Charles had this gorgeous fish of the mean solar day (Haddock). Later during our trip, a tour guide recommended ordering the fish of the day at any restaurant, telling u.s.a. that it is guaranteed to be something fresh and delicious.


I had beef tenderloin with caramelized onions, wild mushrooms, bearnaise sauce, and steak fries. Both of our meals are a good representation of Icelandic cuisine. The diet consists of fish and hearty meat dishes, and French Chips are incredibly popular. Lava's space is formal, merely the dress code is casual – some people were eating in bathrobes. Afterward about iv hours at Blue Lagoon (it was the perfect corporeality of time for the hot bound and luncheon), we hopped on a jitney to Reykjavik which dropped us off right at our hotel.


We spent the afternoon exploring Reykjavik. The city is pocket-sized and easily walkable. The master street is Laugavegur and it is where you will detect boutiques, bars, restaurants, and tourism offices where you can book tours and get information. We spent a good corporeality of time on this principal stretch. Laugavegur  also offers views of Hallgrimskirkja Reykjavik Cathedral.


Hallgrimskirkja Reykjavik Cathedral is simply off of Laugavegur, and has cute views of the city. You tin can really appreciate the colorful homes when you lot can see them from above. You will probable notice yourself near the cathedral since information technology'due south in the centre of the city; definitely end in to admire the view.


Nosotros had lots of fun walking around Laugavegur exploring. One of our favorite places to hang out was Lebowski Bar, a Big Lebowski themed bar with 17 different White Russians on the carte. I highly recommend the White Chocolate White Russian.


Later that night we met up with Libb and Mick again and nosotros grabbed locally brewed beers at the Chuck Norris themed restaurant/bar. It was such a silly concept that we couldn't resist.

On our 2d day in Reykjavik we went on a walking tour through the city. The tour was free (you simply tip the guide) and nosotros learned all near the metropolis's history and Icelandic civilisation.


The tour guide taught us all near traditional Icelandic food, daily life, and current events. He explained that medical intendance and pedagogy are free in Iceland, just that Icelanders pay over 30% in taxes.


He also told united states of america that in that location is a very very depression criminal offence rate in Reykjavik and that the police run a pop instagram account.


My favorite part of the tour was seeing the homes in the old section of Reykjavik. Many of the onetime homes are built with wood that is covered in colorful corrugated steel, which protects the homes from the harsh winds.


One of the most fascinating things that we learned was that 95% of the Icelandic population is related inside 7 generations. People take developed a website and an app so that Icelanders can research their family tree… and make certain they don't start a relationship with anyone also closely related.


The walking tour ended beside a pocket-size lake in the centre of Reykjavik. I beloved how peaceful this area is, even though information technology'due south in the center of the biggest city in the state.


After the walking tour we warmed up with java, tea, and a giant basin of French Fries at Laundromat Cafe.


I loved the vibe of this place – and the perfectly organized books. Information technology's part coffee shop, part restaurant, and part bar, with a laundromat in the basement. Libb, Charles, and I agreed that the US needs more bars/coffeeshops.


While the culinary scene in Republic of iceland isn't quite as notable equally Chicago's, we did accept some pretty skilful meals. We had the grab of the day and the lamb at Restaurant 73, along Laugavegur. The lamb is all pasture raised and actress flavorful. The meals at Restaurant 73 were uncomplicated, but good.


On our last dark in Republic of iceland we ate at this pocket-sized French Bistro, chosen Le Bistro. This is where we tried (and were disgusted past) fermented shark, Kæstur hákarl. Based on my brief inquiry, the shark is fermented because it is poisonous when fresh. You can lookout man me try fermented shark in the second video in this post. Anthony Bourdain said it was "the unmarried worst, most icky and terrible tasting thing" he has ever eaten. I agree.


An unexpected highlight of the trip was that we were in town for the Euro Loving cup semi-finals. As an American, I don't really care about soccer, but the fact that Iceland made information technology to the Euro Cup semi-finals was a REALLY Large Bargain. This twelvemonth was the first time that the team qualified for a major tournament, and their win against England is considered to exist one of the biggest sports upsets of all time. Iceland played French republic in the semi-finals and some businesses shut down for the day and so the their employees could enjoy the game.

Thousands of people gathered in the urban center square to view the game together. While Iceland lost, their national pride was infectious and different annihilation I had always seen earlier. At the end of the game the thousands of fans did the traditional slow handclapping, the "Huh" 1 last time. The Icelanders were cheering and chanting "Áfram Island!" (which translates to "onward Republic of iceland") all dark long. They were just to thrilled that the team fabricated it that far.


I should allow you know that Icelandair operates more than like a budget airline than a major European airline, and this is surprising and disappointing when you pay $1500 for your flight. While I am accustomed to the gratuitous beer or vino on a flight over the Atlantic, you don't even get peanuts on Icelandair. Oh, and if they lose your luggage, it might take them 3 days to get it to you. And if your connecting flight to Reykjavik on your way habitation is just 20 minutes late, they won't agree the aeroplane, y'all might be stuck in Iceland for 24 hours. My friends were the recipients of this bad luck, but they handled it with grace.

P.S. Here is a link to the Airbnb where Libb and Mick stayed. We stayed at Colina 22 Hotel, it was bones merely good.


Source: https://thekittchen.com/exploring-iceland/

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